Saturday, July 01, 2006

Bilateral peritonsillar cellulitis

Bilateral peritonsillar cellulitis

An acute infection located between the tonsil and the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle.

Peritonsillar abscess (quinsy) is rare in children but more common in young adults. Although usually due to a group A -hemolytic streptococcus, peritonsillar infection can also be caused by anaerobic microorganisms, such as bacteroides. Swallowing causes severe pain; the patient is febrile and toxic, tilts the head toward the side of the abscess, and has marked trismus. The tonsil is displaced medially by the peritonsillar cellulitis and abscess, the soft palate is erythematous and swollen, and the uvula is edematous and displaced to the opposite side.


Cellulitis without pus formation responds to penicillin in 24 to 48 h. Initially, penicillin G 1 million U IV q 4 h is given. If pus is present and does not drain spontaneously, aspiration or incision and drainage are required. Antibiotic therapy with penicillin V 250 mg q 6 h should be continued orally for 12 days unless cultures and sensitivity studies indicate that another antibiotic is preferable. Peritonsillar abscesses may recur, and tonsillectomy may be considered, especially for patients with recurrent abscesses. It is usually performed 6 wk after the acute infection has subsided, but if antibiotic therapy is given, it can be performed during the acute infection.

Merck Manual


Peritonsillar abscess (Quinsy)

Suppurative complication of streptococcal tonsillitis with formation of abscess containing range of oropharyngeal flora, including anaerobes. Risk factor from not giving antibiotics but many develop quinsy even after being given penicillin for sore throat.

EpidemiologyIncidence Now relatively uncommon



Very painful sore throat with difficulty in opening mouth (trismus - present in 60%). Fever, malaise, headache, swelling in neck, referred ear pain and dysphagia. "Plummy" or "hot potato voice"Signs Displacement of the tonsil on the affected side towards the midline ±exudate. Fluctuant mass may be felt in affected area; fetor oris, drooling and excessive salivation. Cervical lymphadenopathy ++

Common Causative Organisms

Streptococcus pyogenes(30%), Streptococcus milleri, Haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, peptostreptococcal microbes and other anerobes.3

Differential Diagnosis

Peritonsillar cellulitis (peritonsillitis) - responds to antibiotics without need for drainage (ie no abscess)


Broad spectrum antibiotics - High dose penicillin, or combination therapy of a penicillin and metronidazole depending on local degree of penicillin resistance.

Surgical - Incision or needle aspiration

Elective tonsillectomy may be required. Emergency tonsillectomy is not usually recommended (higher cost and complication rates).


Infection may spread into neck and surrounding tissues. Airway obstruction (rare) - may require cricothyroidotomy or tracheotomy. Rupture of abscess may result in aspiration pneumonitis or pneumonia.

References Used

Cecil Textbook of Medicine 18th Edition. Eds Wingaarden JB & Smith LH. WB Saunders 1988 p.1576
Mehanna HM, Al-Bahnasawi L, White A; National audit of the management of peritonsillar abscess.;Postgrad Med J 2002 Sep; 78(923):545-8.
eMedicine - Quinsy


EMIS is grateful to for facilitating draft authoring of this article. The final copy has passed peer review of the independent Mentor GP authoring team. ©EMIS 2003.

Patient UK


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Peritonsillar infections: local experience.

Ong YK, Goh YH, Lee YL.Department of Otolaryngology, Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Singapore 169608.

INTRODUCTION: The disease pattern and management of peritonsillar infections in Singapore General Hospital are studied. Other objectives are to determine if a seasonal variation exists and to examine the role of routine bacterial cultures and interval tonsillectomy.

METHODS: This is a retrospective review of the management and outcome of patients with peritonsillar infections who were admitted acutely to Singapore General Hospital over a three-year period.

RESULTS: Of 185 patients studied, 151 (81.6 percent) had peritonsillar abscess or quinsy and 34 (18.4 percent) had peritonsillar cellulitis. There were 139 males and 46 females, with a racial predisposition among Malays (p value is less than 0.0005). There may be a seasonal variation with a bi-annual trend, though no correlation with upper respiration tract infections was noted. Treatment consisted mainly of incision and drainage (66 percent) or needle aspiration (34 percent). No significant difference in the length of stay was noted in patients receiving penicillin alone, penicillin with metronidazole, or broad-spectrum antibiotics (p value is equal to 0.062). Fourteen (7.6 percent) patients had recurrences, all of which occurred after the first month. Two patients (1 percent) had bilateral quinsy.

CONCLUSION: Peritonsillar infections remain a common admitting diagnosis to the Otolaryngology department. A single episode of infection should no longer be an indication for tonsillectomy as the incidence of recurrence is low.

Full Text Article and Case Study


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